Within this screen you can personalise your team data by editing your teams, players and league names, you can also download and apply your very own kits and logos. Below you can see a screenshot of the 'Custom Data' main menu.
To edit players, simply tap on the 'Edit Players' button on the main 'Custom Data' screen. Within this screen you can edit player names, boot colours and numbers.
IMPORTING ASSETS To import a logo, simply copy and paste the URL of the logo you want (maximum 512x512) and press the accept button in the bottom right hand corner. Importing kits works similarly, but you will need the png file to be set out in a specific way so that it covers the kit properly, below is a template that you can use, along with an example. (Right click on the image below & press 'Save Image As')
1 = shirt body 2 = shirt sleeves short 3 = shirt sleeves long 4 = socks 5 = shorts 6 = club badge 7 = league badge 8 = kit logo 9 = shirt number colour 10 = short number colour 11 = shirt collar * The team logo and league logo are added from the existing game data or custom data if available. * Shading & creases are added by the game at run-time. See the examples below, the trims on these kits will indicate the orientation of the sections.
So once your png is done you need to create the URL in which you will download it from via FTS 15 (this can be done through a variety of file sharing websites). It will now work exactly how you would import a logo, simply copy and paste the URL into the kit importer screen and press the accept button in the bottom right hand corner. Also once importing kits, shirt creases are automatically generated as part of the upload process. ADVANCED SETTINGS Along with all the features mentioned above, there are a few more options located within Advanced Settings in the bottom right corner of the Custom Data main menu.
* Depending on what league you currently have selected, click edit league to import new league logos and change league names. * Editing adboards is done in a similar way to importing kits, there needs to be a set way in which the png is set out. See below for the current adboard texture, the uploaded png must be 1024 x 128 in size.
* Use the email data (email required) and paste data to share team data amongst your friends. Once receiving a data image from a friend, copy the image to your clipboard and tap on paste data. * Here you can refresh all your custom assets for the whole game or for each individual league, this can be used if an error has occurred whilst downloading. It will save you time by not having to re-enter all the URL details for kits & logos. * The reset data option allows you to complete reset all your custom data to the default assets. We hope this article is of use to you, if you still require assistance getting to grips with the Custom Data system in FTS 15, then feel free to email our support team. support@firsttouchgames.com
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